SNAP® (Stop Now And Plan) Youth Justice

SNAP® (Stop Now And Plan) is an evidence-base program for male and female youth with serious disruptive behaviour problems and criminal justice involvement. The goal of SNAP® is to teach youth how to stop and think “in the moment” and explore strategies and skills for making positive choices.
SNAP® is 12 digital module sessions program offered once per week that includes:
- Introduction to SNAP®
- Dealing with Hard Thoughts
- Using Cool Thoughts
- Dealing with Anger
- Dealing with Stress
- Solving Problems (Plan)
- SNAP® Review and Keeping it Real
- Peer Relationships and Peer Pressure
- Being Blamed and Taking Responsibility
- Perspective Taking
- Avoiding Trouble
- SNAP® review
Monday to Friday, daytime and evening appointments are available.
Eligibility Criteria
Age: 12-17
Legal Status: Probation referral
Gender: Male and Female (Gender specific groups)