Programs and Services for Employers

Employment Ontario services can assist employers with all their hiring and training needs. The list below are just some of the supports we offer, they include:

  • Job postings
  • Resume collection and screening
  • Confidential interview space
  • Job fairs – large and small
  • Apprenticeship Employer Signing Bonus
  • Youth Hiring Incentives
  • Job Matching and Placement Incentives
  • Funding for staff training through the Canada-Ontario Job Grant

Employment Programs for Employers

Person drawing on blackboard with 4 young people sitting at a table.
Canada-Ontario Job Grant
Canada-Ontario Job Grant provides an opportunity for employers to invest in their workforce, with help from the government.
The word Career split into two puzzle pieces.
Connections to Employers
We work with job seekers to help identify skills and career goals to develop a pool of qualified candidates to match with available positions and provide financial assistance to employers to help offset expenses.
two retail workers, one women, one young man, smiling
Work Readiness and Advancement Program (WRAP): Employers
WRAP provides financial assistance to employers to help offset the costs of hiring people aged 15 to 30 who are not currently in school.