Leadership and Governance
Management Team
Sheryl Henry
Director of Services - Withdrawal Management and Treatment Services
Julie Smith
Director of Services - Concurrent Disorders & Addictions and Crisis Services
Board of Directors
SOAR Community Services is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, who bring a range of knowledge, skill, and lived experience. The Board provides strategic leadership, including financial accountability, and is guided by the Agency's mission.
If you are interested in volunteering on the SOAR Community Services Board of Directors please see the Board of Directors Governance Responsibilities, Regulations, and Competencies and email us at info@soarcs.ca.
Mark Langdon, President
Claire Morris, Vice-President
Sharon Livingstone, Secretary, Treasurer
Angela Coxe
Angela Coxe
Jodie Konior
Mae Legg
Will Moore
Niyi Olu
Kedar Patel
Nicole Tuczynski
Lynn Wardell