Anti-Shop Lifting Program

The Anti-Shop Lifting program is a community-based educational service which is provided in partnership with SOAR Community Services, Brantford Police Services and the Brant County Ontario Provincial Police.
Anti-Shop Lifting is an eight hour educational program delivered to clients in four, two hour sessions. The curriculum includes discussion, exercises and assignments that outline the following topics; critical thinking and consequences, the cost and effect of shoplifting, victimization, responsible and irresponsible behaviour, decision making and choices, peer and social pressures as well as community resources.
Participants must attend all sessions in full, actively participate, complete assignments as well as complete a pre and post test prior to successfully finishing the program. If a participant fails to attend and participate as scheduled, the participants file will be returned to Police Services for further enforcement.
The goal of the Anti-Shop Lifting program is to have participants accept responsibility for their theft-related offence and address the impact of their actions on themselves, their family, the victim(s) and the community.
Monday to Friday, daytime and evening appointments are available.
Eligibility Criteria
Age: 12-17
Legal Status: Police/Probation referral