Addictions and Mental Health

A woman talking to a counsellor.

We're here to help you with free, confidential support for addiction and/or mental health.  If you need immediate crisis support or counselling, please call the 24/7 crisis line at (519) 759-7188 or 1 (866) 811-7188

Addiction Services - Get Started

We have little to no wait for our addiction assessment and counselling services.  This includes services for people using substances, experiencing a concurrent disorders (substance use and mental health combined), or gambling. You can call us at (519) 754-0253 after 8:30 am on weekdays to complete an intake, which is the starting point for service.  

Harm Reduction Supply Program

The Harm Reduction Supply Program can provide you with needles, filters, alcohol swabs, sterile water, tourniquets, Vitamin C powder, sterile disposable spoons, and condoms. Nasal Spray Naloxone Kits are also available. These supplies are free, and we will not ask to see your health card.

Supply Program

Crisis Services

We can provide you immediate support if you are experiencing mental distress, inability to cope, using substances, or in a situational crisis. Our crisis counsellor will listen, support, and find the best way to help you.

Please call our 24/7 crisis line at (519) 759-7188 or 1 (866) 811-7188 to speak with someone or click the button below to find out more about the range of crisis services we offer.

Overhead view of a group of people joining hands in support.
Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST)
Provides crisis support to individuals in the environment of their choice.
Counsellor with her hand on a patients shoulder.
Crisis Phone and Walk-in Service
Provides immediate crisis support and counselling for individuals experiencing a mental health or situational crisis.
Counsellor comforting a woman in distress.
Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team (MCRRT)
Mental Health Specialist staff are paired with police officers to respond to 911 calls related to mental health.
Teenage girl sitting on a couch talking to a counsellor.
Short-term outreach crisis support and stabilization for children and youth up to aged 18.

Addiction/Concurrent Disorder Outpatient

We support people who are over 12 years of age and who are dealing with substance use, gambling, or concurrent disorders (mental health and substance use at the same time).

Our goal is to support you to identify and achieve your goals for healthier living. Our clinicians will work with you to create a plan for achieving the outcome you want and provide you with a variety of supports along the way.

We provide both individual and group supports.

Read more about Addiction/Concurrent Disorder Outpatient Services.

Withdrawal Management Treatment Services

These programs offer community based residential supports to people who are over 16 years of age, who want to make a change to their substance use. We can help you to safely withdrawal from substances, learn about resources and coping skills, address causes and impacts of substance use, and connect with community supports to help you continue your recovery process.

A nurse comforting a patient during treatment
Withdrawal Management
Withdrawal management provides support for withdrawal from alcohol and/or other drugs.
A client in a one-on-one session with a counsellor
Day Treatment
Day treatment is a 5-week outpatient program for all genders, aged 16 and up.
A treatment specialist meeting with a residential client
Bed-Based Treatment
Separate gender-based, 5-week live in programs for people aged 16 and up.