SOAR Community Services has a process that allows people to make a complaint and work towards a resolution. It is important to us that we hear from you if you are dissatisfied with services so that we can work together to make them better.
Please use the headings below to inform us of your complaint and email to or phone in your comments to (519) 759-8830.
Please outline your concern/complaint:
- What would you like to have happen next to address your concern?
- Date
- Complainant’s Name (Optional)
- Complainant’s Contact Information (Optional)
- Can we contact you to ask if your complaint has been resolved? Yes ___ No ___
The Agency is also pleased to accept any positive feedback that you would like to share with us. If you have a comment, complete under the heading Positive Feedback, and email to
A representative of the Agency will respond to your submission within 10 business days.