Direct Accountability Program

The Direct Accountability Program is an alternative to prosecution for eligible individuals who have been charged with minor offences. The program involves accused persons being held accountable through community based sanctions which may include restitution, apology, volunteer work, charitable donation, attending a program or presentation, or a peace bond.
The Crown Attorney will notify the accused on or before their first court appearance if they are considered eligible. Individuals can also ask their Counsel or Duty Counsel about their eligibility. Participants should ask for legal advice from Counsel about their rights, the benefits of the program and the legal implications of their participation in the program.
Eligibility Requirements
- Be willing to accept responsibility for actions that led to the charge.
- Be willing to make amends for their offence through an assigned task or “sanction”.
- Complete an Agreement which outlines the terms of the sanctions to be met.
Program Benefits
- Efficient resolution of some minor court matters.
- Saves on the amount of time victims and witnesses may have to spend in court.
- Recognizes that community based sanctions can be an effective way of holding some individuals accountable for some minor offences.
- Holds individuals accountable for their actions while ensuring they also make amends for the harm caused.
Monday to Friday, daytime and evening appointments are available.
Eligibility Criteria
Legal Status: Individuals charged with a minor offence may qualify at the discretion of the Crown Attorney; Crown Attorney referral only.