Back on Track

Back on Track is Ontario’s Remedial Measures Program, for drivers convicted of or suspended for Impaired Driving. Back on Track is offered in partnership with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).
After being convicted of a drinking and driving offence or receiving a warn range suspension, individuals receive a suspension notice from the Ministry of Transportation. The notice includes the remedial requirement and the length of the licence suspension. It is recommended that clients register for Back on Track as soon as possible after receiving their suspension notice by visiting the Back on Track website or calling 1 (888) 814-5831.
Program Requirements
Assessment, education/treatment and a six month follow-up interview. Based on the results of the assessment, clients are referred to either the education workshop (1 day) or the treatment workshop (2 days). For a warn range suspension, clients are required to take the education or treatment workshop depending on the number of prior suspensions. The education and treatment workshops are offered on weekends.
Eligibility Criteria
Age: 18+
Legal Status: Convicted of drinking and driving offence or suspended at the roadside in the Warn Range.
Other: With an impaired driving conviction or a warn range suspension, the Back on Track program fee is $894.