Canada-Ontario Job Grant

Canada-Ontario Job Grant provides an opportunity for employers to invest in their workforce, with help from the government.
The Canada-Ontario Job Grant will provide direct financial support to individual employers who wish to purchase training for their employees. It will be available to small, medium and large businesses with a plan to deliver short- term training to existing and new employees, and will:
- Provide up to $10,000 in government support per person for training costs
- Require employers to contribute one-third of the total costs. There will be additional flexibility for small businesses to provide an in-kind contribution towards their share of the costs
- Require training to be delivered by an eligible, third-party trainer
If you're an employer with a particular skills demand, the Canada-Ontario Job Grant might be right for you.
Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis.
To apply go to the Canada-Ontario Job Grant website and fill in the Employer Application Form.
For more information go to the Canada-Ontario Job Grant section of the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities website.

1-225 Fairview Dr.
Brantford ON N3R 7E3
1-11 Argyle St. N.
Caledonia ON N3W 1B7