Connections to Employers

For employers many entry-level positions can cost approximately $3000 to recruit, orientate and train a new employee. SOAR Community Services Employment administers financial incentives to eligible employers that need that extra help on-boarding and training new staff.
SOAR Community Services Employment has highly qualified, enthusiastic staff who work with clients on an individualized basis to clearly define their skills and career goals. This aspect of our service provides the local labour market with a pool of very talented and skilled employees who are eager to contribute to the local economy. Our Employer Services Professionals can assist in your hiring process by referring Employees who have the attributes your business requires.
To be eligible for hiring incentives your business must:
- Be licensed to operate in Ontario
- Comply with all applicable legislation including federal/provincial human rights legislation, regulations, and any other relevant standards, occupational health and safety act, employment standards act, freedom of information and protection of privacy legislation
- Provide employment in Ontario
- Establish a Training Placement Agreement with an Employment Ontario office before hiring and onboarding potential candidates
- Maintain appropriate W.S.I.B. or alternate workplace safety insurance coverage and have adequate third-party general liability insurance as advised by its insurance broker
- Not use placement services to replace existing or laid-off employees
Our offices span from Brantford to Haldimand - contact your local office today for more information!

Monday to Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm
1-225 Fairview Dr.
Brantford ON N3R 7E3
1-11 Argyle St. N.
Caledonia ON N3W 1B7
208 Broad St. E.
Dunnville ON N1A 1G2