Job Search Services

Employment Ontario services assist individuals with finding sustainable employment:
- Work with a skilled Employment Consultant to develop your personalized job search or training plan
- Find out about the Better Jobs Ontario funding program
- Target your efforts, resumes and cover letters to reach your potential
- Mock interviews for practice
- Assessments of skills, capabilities, interests, experience
- Personal assistance with applications for Better Jobs Ontario funding (schooling for a new career)
- Get a referral to one of our many employment related workshops to hone your interview skills or develop your self-marketing plan
- Referral to job developing for extra help to get your foot in the door with an on the job trial or placement
- Access funding for eligible individuals to overcome barriers to employment
We provide outreach services to neighbouring communities. In Brant, appointments with an Employment Consultant can be made in both Paris and Burford. In Haldimand, our itinerant site is in Hagersville. We will come to you!

Monday to Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm
Eligibility Criteria
Age: All ages
Other: Anyone looking for work who is not a full time student
Brant Employment Centre
1-225 Fairview Dr.
Brantford ON N3R 7E3
Caledonia Employment Centre
1-11 Argyle St. N.
Caledonia ON N3W 1B7
Dunnville Employment Centre
208 Broad St. E.
Dunnville ON N1A 1G2